Ethan Charles Dalrymple was born at 8:13 p.m. He weighed 6 lbs 2 oz and was 21 inches long. He has a head of dark hair and a receding hairline like his daddy..hehehe. To me he already has a perfect little face with chubby cheeks. He is perfect!!!!!!!! I am so glad we decided to have a 2nd but now we are complete as a family. From the time they started the cervix thinning drug to time of delivery it was about 14 1/2 hours...so not bad compared to 28 hours with James!!

At 1:30 p.m. they broke my water and thing progressed very fast after they began the pitocin. Everyone went to eat supper...well everyone but me around 6:15. (my last meal was at 4 a.m.)The doctor came to check me and was about 5 cm and he said by the time he got back from supper we should be ready to push. Well around 7:15 I was checked again and the nurse called the doctor b/c I was ready to push. The doctor didn't even get to eat before we started delivering this baby. After some pushes he finally came out but had the ambilical cord wrapped 2 times so they had to stop to remove it. Shawn cut the cord and then we heard the wonderful cries of our new son. With James we didn't hear him cry much so this was a much needed relief. His coloring was good as well. 5 fingers, 5 toes, and a little peterbug :). He is so small. He is 3 oz smaller than James but 2 inches longer. I know he will grow and change so fast. It took James only 1 month to fill out and get chunky. Shawn went back with Ethan for his first bath while I got cleaned up and moved into the room.
I had two wonderful coaches with me during this process. Shawn was so great. He would rub my calves and neck because I was in a lot of pain pre-epidural. He would hold my hands during the pain and just reassure me it was all ok and knew it would be worth seeing our little man. Mom was great too she would give me warning to breath before one hit. Both held a leg as I pushed out this lil' blessing. It was nice to have him so close to home. Our doctor, Dr. Allen was SO great. To have the same man you have seen the last few months deliver your baby is a nice feeling. At Bragg we had a midwife and it was whoever was on call that day. He was AWESOME!!
My bestest friend came to visit while I waited for the meds to kick in and get the process moving. I SO needed that laugh before the pain began. I had so many wonderful friends checking on me. I am blessed with the friends I've made over the years.
Of course I had several breakdowns of missing James and it hurt so bad. I just worry how I'll do with 2 and still have time for myself. James was getting some Papa D(Shawn's dad) time while we were not home. He is perfect to me and I just wondered how this baby would affect his life b/c he has been it for 2 1/2 years. After Ethan was born my sister took James up to meet his little brother. He was SO excited and to see his face when he saw Ethan for the first time truly melted my heart!!! He loves to hold him and kiss him. He kept telling me and Shawn to hurry and bring Ethan home. James kept asking where my belly was...yes it is still fluffy but he is so innocent :). Seeing them together just melts me. I know it will be a huge adjustment but we will survive. Having Shawn home this go around and family will be nice.

His face when he first met Ethan!! PRICELESS!!!!!!!
Giving Ethan kisses!!Hat and truck Maw Maw brought for the new big brother
I love my family and am so blessed!! I am blessed with wonderful family and friends!!
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