Well I had the regular check up today for my 36 weeks. The fluids decreased right around 8 but still no worries. The dr. said it appears I will NOT have ogliohydrosis that will cause early birth this time around which is great news. Ethan's heartbeat is good and he moves a lot it seems. He is measuring right on target and currently weighs around 6 lbs right now. I was thinking I would have an 8 lb baby so looking kinda right if I go full term. The dr. did not check for dialation today b/c they said b/c i'm not exactly 37 weeks that they wouldn't check until next week b/c they said it can sometimes cause labor to begin...of course I am thinking "CHECK ME NOW THEN" but I will let Ethan come on his own. This pregnancy I am SO achy and just tired. My patience with James is worn VERY thin and emotions are high.
I just feel there is not any me time with 1 child how will it work with 2. Shawn's new boat of course keeps him fishing or doing something to it although he said it wouldn't so I dont' always get breaks at night even. Just hard at times.
After my appt. Shawn and James met me at ECM to tour where we'd have Ethan. I couldn't believe the size of the rooms and NOT having to share with a stranger. The rooms are really big and have seperate sitting areas for visitors. At Womack on Ft. Bragg the rooms were shared and only seperated by a curtain. So even when my baby was asleep or myself there was no rest b/c visitors on the otherside of curtain or their baby was crying. NO rest at all. Visitors pretty much sat on your bed or on top of you when visiting at Womack. I think there will be ample room in these rooms at ECM. James kept asking to hear the heartbeat b/c last time we took him with us to dr. they heard it. He was a bit bummed about not hearing it. We are trying to prepare him for when Ethan comes. We tell him Andrea or MawMaw will sleep at your house while mommy and daddy at the hospital but that he can come visit and hold Ethan when he gets up. We also got him a new bookbag filled with goodies for his "big brother" bag. He picked out the bag and said he liked it a while back but I secretly have hidden it for a month now. Just so he knows he is still my baby!!
So I go back next Wednesday for another ultrasound and they will check for dialation. I have had some contractions but nothing consistent. Although this is our 2nd baby I never felt contractions at home with James...he had already arrived at this point at 36 weeks. I weighed more wtih James at this point but I feel bigger now than with James. Weird.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
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About Me

- The Dalrymple Family
- Shawn and I have been married almost 10 years. We married right before he commissioned out of college so we have gone thru military life together. Not always easy but makes you appreciate the time together. We have one son, James, who was born in Nov. 2006. Ethan was born July 2009 That's it for us! Two is a good number.

You're getting there and I have a feeling it will be soon! I can't wait to get that txt...considering you have time to send one!