I had my checkup on Tuesday for Ethan. All is remaining level as it comes to fluids and growth. I was very thankful to hear that he was growing well and levels weren't too low but kinda disappointed b/c I was hoping to have him by next week but guess not happening just b/c I want it to:). I'll hang in there until God says it's time for Ethan to make his grand appearance. The doctor said he isn't small or large but normal size...don't know what that means b/c he couldn't give me a weight. James weighed 6 lbs. 5 oz. so he was small. I am banking on about an 8 lb baby this time for some reason. :). Not sure but it is something I have felt all along. I definitely am much more achy and crabbier this time around. I am so anxious to meet him and to share that special moment as a family of 4 for the first time. James still kisses my belly and seems to be excited about his little brother.
We actuallly had maternity pictures done and I am SO glad we did...I wish I would have with James but I was so worried about weight that I let it control me. Granted in these pics I am not small but it is a special time in our life that we want to remember. The girl who took our pics was great!! She understood that a 2 y/o isn't always cooperative and that made us feel great. He did the best he could and I am so anxious to get them to frame. There are some that are just too precious!! James is so stinking handsome!!
I will go back to the dr. in 2 weeks (July 21) and then will go weekly just b/c my levels were so steady we added extra week in between until I hit 36 weeks. Then I will be seen weekly and I pray I go into labor before 39 weeks but we'll see. Healthy baby is top priority.
I love the picture!!! It's adorable! I'm glad you did it to! We can't wait for to meet Ethan too... because you know after you have him that means you have to come out here to see Bark!!! :)