All of us went to Monkey Joes, ate Chinese (James favorite), shopped, had a cookie at the mall (YUMMY) went swimming and just hung out. James loves his aunt "dra" and would wake her each morning with cars on her bed :). At the store if I walked off from her he would yell for her across the entire store!! So funny!!!
It was also the first Alabama football game that Shawn has been home in a while. Aunt Chresta and Uncle Matt bought this Alabama Jersey for James last year and now that daddy is home I am sure he will sport it each Saturday :) He looks so handsome.
On Sunday James took his first pee pee in the big boy potty!! We were so excited that he kept trying to strain more out :). So funny. He just said he wants to sit on potty and he did and out it came. So funny how something so personal and a bit gross is exciting for a parent :)
yeah!! for pee pee. how awesome. well i gotta get colson moving then to keep with james. hehe.