We have been pricing bikes for James for a while and was shocked at how much a little bike costs. As I was driving to my mom's one day I saw this little bike at a Consignment Shop for $15. It was IDENTICAL to the one at Wal-Mart we saw that was $60so I thought it was a great deal. James was excited too. Just a couple weeks ago he was a little too short to reach the pedals but he slowly has been getting the hang of it and we have been letting him practice at home. He is really getting it and is so proud of himself. I can't believe my baby is riding a bike!! He is so big and such a sweet boy most of the time.

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Big Boy Bike
We have been pricing bikes for James for a while and was shocked at how much a little bike costs. As I was driving to my mom's one day I saw this little bike at a Consignment Shop for $15. It was IDENTICAL to the one at Wal-Mart we saw that was $60so I thought it was a great deal. James was excited too. Just a couple weeks ago he was a little too short to reach the pedals but he slowly has been getting the hang of it and we have been letting him practice at home. He is really getting it and is so proud of himself. I can't believe my baby is riding a bike!! He is so big and such a sweet boy most of the time.
Swimming at Gran and PawPaw's
Yesterday we went to Shawn's mom's house for the day. Luckily she has a pool too so James is getting very spoiled while we are here :). This summer James has not wanted to go under or get his head wet much. That all changed once he got used to the slide and jumping off the diving board without any assistance. He was so proud of himself and we were proud of him too. It's amazing how a little encouragment will spark that little fire of courage. James enjoyed swimming with his cousins and of course riding Paw Paw's tractor. It was SO hot that I started feeling it as the day went on. Pregnancy and heat is a terrible combination!
He wasn't too big on eating but these days it is so hot I don't blame him. I just can't believe how much he has grown and turned into such a big boy. He is my lil' pride and joy for sure!!!!! He was so worn out that when I took him in for just rest time and drink he zonked out. He would have stayed asleep but I had to potty and he was laying on me so when I moved he woke up. I love those little moments of snuggle time. :) On the drive home his eyes were so red from the chlorine and jumping but he had a blast. Of course Shawn is a bit more stern on him than I am when it comes to doing things but in the end it is normally for the best because I do caudle James a lot but he is my world and I don't think I do it to the point that he is a momma's boy....just so he knows I will keep him safe :). Of course I get flack for being the over concerned mom but when you are a SAHM with little help for the first 15 months of your child's life...that is kind of what you mold into. I don't regret any decisions as a parent.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Point Mallard
We decided to do a trip to Point Mallard Water Park in Decatur yesterday. It was 1/2 price night so we couldn't pass it up. I don't think we've been in at least 5 years or longer. Shawn and I both loved going there as kids and thought James was the perfect age to take there since they added the kiddie area. We also took cousin Kya with us and then met Shawn's sister, Susan, and her family there. It was great! James loved the Kiddie Swim area. The slides there go extremely fast and caught him off guard at first. He bumped his head and lost his hat but after a minute of regaining his balance he was off again. His favorite part was the wave pool. He would get knocked down by waves and then struggle to get up just to jump into the next one. Shawn was a smart daddy and brought James life jacket so it was easier than with swimmies to stay afloat. Kinda stinks b/c they won't let kids under 42 go down the water slides which was a bit disappointing but James was such a trooper and let daddy and Kya go down w/o any fits!! I love that kid. The three hours we were there went by so fast...we might try again before Ethan is born but not sure I can hold up so we'll see. It was a fabulous time and very relaxing and enjoyable time for me.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
32 1/2 weeks
Today was another checkup for me and Baby Ethan. I really like the doctors here because they take my concerns seriously and I don't have to wait for a call back like I did when we lived in NC. Shawn decided to go with me since work was slow and we were meeting the actual dr. today, Dr. Allen. He was really nice and listened to my concerns regarding low amniotic fluids. This is exactly the same time that James levels began to decline and by 36 weeks I was induced. Dr. Allen wasn't going to do an ultrasound but said to ease me he would do one today. So we went back and we got to see our lil' man. He is growing well and is on target for weeks gestation. However as I feared my fluid levels dropped from 13.1 to 9.2 in just 2 weeks span. He said not to worry because it is all subjective but the same ultrasound tech has done it every time so I feel confident it is accurate. Normal levels range from 5-20 so as long as I can stay above 5 for the next 4 weeks I will feel much better. Ethan needs at least 36 weeks gestation!! Of course I am a little panicky because birth defects can occur with low fluid levels. Just trying to hydrate and stay as calm as possible. Nothing can be done to increase fluids really...just something that happens. I read only 8% of women are diagnosed with this ogliohydrosis (SP)...oh lucky me :). So they are doing another ultrasound Tuesday at 11:00 to see how they are doing.
Ethan is still breech too but dr. says he has plenty of time to flip and get into position. Dr. Allen also mentioned he could go in and turn him but tha tis something we will have to weigh b/c it can put baby in distress or can even cause kink in ambilical cord causing worse things which ultimately would still result in Csection which is what we would be avoiding initially.
Just hoping for positive thoughts and prayers for a HEALTHY baby boy.
Ethan is still breech too but dr. says he has plenty of time to flip and get into position. Dr. Allen also mentioned he could go in and turn him but tha tis something we will have to weigh b/c it can put baby in distress or can even cause kink in ambilical cord causing worse things which ultimately would still result in Csection which is what we would be avoiding initially.
Just hoping for positive thoughts and prayers for a HEALTHY baby boy.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Piggy Bank Fund
Thursday, June 11, 2009
30 1/2 weeks
Today was my routine checkup at the doctor. They did another ultrasound to check fluid levels and make sure all was up and up. Everything looked GREAT! Fluid levels, growth, size, etc was excellent she said. I am relieved in one way but in another was hoping for an early induction...of course after 36 weeks but the sooner the better after that is what I wanted. It is just getting a bit miserable with this weight. I was surprised I do not weigh more than I did b/c I feel about 10 lbs heavier!! :). The only downfall is they said that Ethan is breech right now which scares me a bit. But the dr. also said he has plenty of time to flip and position himself correctly. I have to admit that C-section scares me for so many reasons...the recouperation time, the pain, and the fear of never losing the weight or the pooch. yes I know that sounds vain but that is how I feel. Of course I want him to be healthy and to have a safe delivery either way. I just really pray he turns around before too long. I told the dr. that I felt his head was already sometimes hitting and she said...well it's not his head..so his foot is causing the sudden urge to potty and the hardness in my abdomen :)
James seems to be taking it all still very well. He will often kiss my belly or press his mouth up to it and talk to him. It cracks me up!! He says he will share with him and love him very much!! So innocent and sweet.
i honestly worry about life with 2..I always said James was my only. I love that lil guy so much that I wonder how he do when not all of my attention is on him all the time. I know that God will help me juggle 2 lil angels. I know that later on they will be best buds and it will be worth it. I still want my lil' girl but we are done. We are going to make sure of it this time :)...Shawn is going to get snippity snipped :). If we choose to we will adopt later on...I have always wanted to be a foster parent or adoptive parent. Of course it will not happen anytime soon or might not at all...just something we talked about at one time. Plenty of sweet kids with no homes due to no fault of their own.
I go back to dr. in 2 weeks so we'll see what Ethan has decided to do. :) Please just pray that he flips and that labor is as easy as possible when the time comes.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
We have entered the "why" zone
I am very bad about blogging...my blogs tend to combined many events so bare with me..sorry. Just not a lot of free time or brain power lately :)
Well that time has come where James asks the question "why?" a hundred times a day. And I find myself saying the dreaded phrase "because I'm the mommy that's why"!! Oh I said I'd never say that but I do!! It really only irritates me when i have asked him to do something and he questions me! I don't mind explaining other things to him but for some reason that gets under my skin :). James is a very smart boy and is very bright for his age. The director of his MMO program was so impressed at how articulate he is and very vocal.
He began the summer program at a local Mother's Morning Out on June 2. I kind of regret sending him now but the lil break is nice. Plus he enjoys playing and learning with kids his age. We haven't been successful in finding a local church yet so I'm kinda having a hard time meeting people. Living near my mom we go to the pool often and there is also a great splash pad at the Marriott Hotel that is free. Good cool relief for him. I prefer the pool b/c I can actually get in and not feel like a cow around others. The only thing I regret a little is that I feel I always have to entertain him by doing something and he is very spoiled b/c of it. Sitting home is not an option lately and he thinks we always have to go somewhere. So I'm trying to limit going places so he understands it is a reward to go somewhere and not a given. Plus when Ethan arrives James little world is gonna be rocked. Going places will be a little more difficult at first b/c of breastfeeding, naps, etc.
Here are some pics from the splash pad today. Oh the Sonic drink is almost a daily thing..mainly for my sake b/c I LOVE THEM!!

Well that time has come where James asks the question "why?" a hundred times a day. And I find myself saying the dreaded phrase "because I'm the mommy that's why"!! Oh I said I'd never say that but I do!! It really only irritates me when i have asked him to do something and he questions me! I don't mind explaining other things to him but for some reason that gets under my skin :). James is a very smart boy and is very bright for his age. The director of his MMO program was so impressed at how articulate he is and very vocal.
He began the summer program at a local Mother's Morning Out on June 2. I kind of regret sending him now but the lil break is nice. Plus he enjoys playing and learning with kids his age. We haven't been successful in finding a local church yet so I'm kinda having a hard time meeting people. Living near my mom we go to the pool often and there is also a great splash pad at the Marriott Hotel that is free. Good cool relief for him. I prefer the pool b/c I can actually get in and not feel like a cow around others. The only thing I regret a little is that I feel I always have to entertain him by doing something and he is very spoiled b/c of it. Sitting home is not an option lately and he thinks we always have to go somewhere. So I'm trying to limit going places so he understands it is a reward to go somewhere and not a given. Plus when Ethan arrives James little world is gonna be rocked. Going places will be a little more difficult at first b/c of breastfeeding, naps, etc.
Here are some pics from the splash pad today. Oh the Sonic drink is almost a daily thing..mainly for my sake b/c I LOVE THEM!!
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About Me

- The Dalrymple Family
- Shawn and I have been married almost 10 years. We married right before he commissioned out of college so we have gone thru military life together. Not always easy but makes you appreciate the time together. We have one son, James, who was born in Nov. 2006. Ethan was born July 2009 That's it for us! Two is a good number.