I celebrated my 30th birthday on the 19th of this month. Shawn surprised me by invited some of my friends to celebrate with us at Casa Mexicana. I was so thrilled that my friends were there because this will probably be the last time we are in Alabama for a birthday celebration!! Shawn chose a yellow rose cake that was so yummy. I love yellow roses so he did great! I loved not only having my friends with me but their kids, it just shows how much we have changed over the years we still remain close.
A lot of my friends were so anxious about turning 30....me not so much. I think that I am very content with where I am at this age. I am doing exactly what I wanted to be doing at this age...being a mommy to my 2 children. I married a wonderful man so that checked that one off my list :). I never thought I'd marry a military man because I am not one who deals with change very well. Hey no wise cracks from those who know the background :) I feel that by marrying Shawn that I have met and seen places of the world I wouldn't normally see thanks to the Army. The deployments and long work hours are very difficult at times but I know that God will take care of our family. I always said I wanted to have my kids by age 30 and God blessed me with two beautiful boys. Yes I would love a baby girl but obviously that's not in our plans Shawn and I discussed and agreed that once I had kids that I would stay home until they were school age or old enough to tell me what was happening at daycare....make sure they weren't being mistreated. We have been very blessed to have the means to do that and not worry so much about financial stresses...especially in today's economy.

My next 30 years I hope to raise my boys in a Godly manner and for them to know and love God. If I can achieve this then I feel there is nothing else that I can't do. I would love to start running some races,starting with 5k and going from there maybe. I would love to pursue a Master's in Social Work so that I can work on post and help soldiers and eventually open a house for pregnant teens in foster care to help them be able to raise their own children successfully. Big plans yes but that is my dream....you never know. In 2 more years I'll celebrate 10 years with Shawn and I hope he is not deployed so we can go on a tropical vacation without kiddos and just enjoy being a couple!!
I am so blessed to be given the family that I have. I feel like the luckiest girl alive and know that I have so much more than I deserve.
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