It seems I never have time to update on this blog. Ethan is still very demanding and the time I am not tending to him I am spending time with James. I still am very much battling mother's guilt over not being able to spend quality time with James like I use to and I just pray he understands that I love him NO less. James handles it much better than I do for sure with the new addition. Lately I have noticed him wanting more of my time to play games or just play and it kills me because Ethan doesn't always allow. It irritates me to no end when people say that Ethan is a good baby and that I am lieing about him crying....the majority of these people are holding him or giving undivided attention to him. Sure he is fine as long as I am holding him and giving him attention but as soon as he is put down for a split second you'd think he was being mistreated!!! Crying begins.

Ethan is now 6 months old and his personality is developing. He has his first 2 teeth on the bottom and they were stinkers!! He is sitting up on his own for several minutes at a time. He loves to be held and talked to all the time but when he smiles at you it melts your heart. He is a snuggly little boy. He weighs 16 lbs currently...still below James but he is growing. We still have reflux issues and went to a specialist that was such a waste of time. That doctor was a quack...but we are trying new meds that we hope will provide him some relief. I hate to see him hurting and will do whatever it takes to bring comfort. Ethan lights up and gives his gummy little grin when James enters the room. Amazing the bond that he already has with his brother. Shawn laughs at how Ethan smiles so big when I walk in the room and how he will be perfectly content until he sees me and then feel he has to be picked up! :). Oh my spoiled little boy :).
James is such a sweet child with a dash of attitude. I always heard terrible twos but I think the threes are so much worse. James can be sassy and has began whining like he was a baby when things don't go his way. He recently was "that child" at a birthday party. I have NEVER been so embarassed. He cried and threw a fit because he couldn't open presents or blow out the candles. I know it is a phase and probably normal but it is SO hard when you are the parent. But overall he is so darn cute and lovable. He loves being outside and playing on the boat with daddy. We enjoy painting and doing crafts together. He loves his MMO and is so smart. He lights up my life and always brings a chuckle to us with some of the most off the wall comments.
These two boys are SO different. James was always chunky, loved to eat and warmed up to a schedule nicely. Ethan is smaller, fusses at every meal and makes a huge mess and makes his own schedule. I was able to pass a lot of James stuff down to Ethan but Ethan makes such messes on clothes that they all have stains....:(.
I definitely have never been one to want help from anyone or to leave my boys but I am ready for a girls only beach trip this summer. Not that I don't love my kids but that sometimes when that is all I do it can drain you. Because I don't like asking for help there are few breaks for me. My house is never up to par and I'm lucky if I fix my hair/makeup daily. This mama needs a break. I was hoping to take a vacation with just me and Shawn but not sure that will happen this year. I want eye surgery so badly and not sure we will afford both.
I recently began very part time work as a behavioral aid working with families involved with DHR. It is good money and allows me to get that bit of work in without full time committment. Right now i only have 1 case so it's not bad at all....caseload depends on referrals and funding. So far so good. But I can honestly say being a mom puts doing social work into new perspective. I don't condone abuse/neglect by any means!! But I also understand how overwhelming parenting can be and just a slight err in judgement can affect your life or your child's life.
I enjoy being a SAHM mom because i see my boys grow and change. I enjoy being near family....10 more months and off we move again. Not sure where but just doesn't seem like that is that long to be here. It has flown by. We've been here 10 months already. Our next move we will have to focus on school districts because James will begin Kindergarten shortly there after :(.
I love my family!!